Wednesday, April 27, 2016

SINGAPORE - Personal account for foreigners

In Singapore is important:
1. KYC. Know your customer. I would like to advise you to meet with advisor to discuss this topic once you are not professional. It will be another sign you understand Singapore
2. "Not too small to go". Limit is around 350.000 SGD to put on account
3. Give it time. It make take up to week or two.
4. Prepare and ask. Do not go to the bank unprepared.
5. Understand the fee structure.
6. Be careful of your passport. You dont need to work in SG to have account there.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Singapore - shop experience

To compare the experience in a shop between countries may be a clue to compare between service on a financial products.

They say, the good way to test the service is to purchase anything in the shop and than try to change it. You will sense the difference once you dont bring any additional income to the shop, just a headache. Goods u try to return is usually opened and therefore it needs to repacked. Also you need to be sure, that this time you pick up a proper goods you want to change. And also you may buy something cheaper, just as u changed your mind.

Singapore outcome test 1 shopping mall Jurong east. Change the goods no problem on a cashier. Person sick, she can not have holiday, but still friendly and helpful. Staff on a customer service very helpful and professional. Staff on a goods section apologies, that they dont have the colour you want. And then she helps u with the other colour. If you good is cheaper than before you need to select additional staff to make up the difference.

A believe approach in financial products will be the same. People work more than they should (cashier), smiling and professional (customer service) but strict on the acceptable rules (money back limits).

Friday, April 22, 2016

SINGAPORE - webpage desing

To open a proper webpage is something to considered deeply. Especially for a new companies on a market (not necessary new companies internationally) and specially for financial institutions. Things you shall be avoiding:
1. "Low risk, high return" statements. It sounds more like a miracle and the big guys a self-centered so much, that they would believe if there will be such an opportunity they would have find it. And invested in it. Also in developed economies, places where is a lot of official money, is high return a red flag

Monday, April 18, 2016

Different consumer risk approach - maturity of the payment

Once we focus on the maturity of the payment it is crucial to see, if it was not overdue, how long overdue it is, what is the amount, was the first payment paid down, what is the product of the payment, who is the client, how big was the loan, that is paid.... Statistical methods would be able to recognise the important factors. It is also necessary to find out when the factor will become irrelevant or, on the other side relevant to the future. No always there is a linear covariance between debt maturity and probability  that such a debt will be paid. For example having 2 years old payments not being paid could be more probable than 6 months. Reason for being so is, that the financial or economical status of the client could change. Also such a debt is written off, therefore any next payments are a positive income.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Singapore - Consumer risk managemenet

Once measuring the risk of the consumer I always want to focus on following:
1. What i the real truth.... not what somebody tells me or somebody can fake
2. Once anything is faked what is faked and what is the pattern of it
3. Look on the real/described data in the region

For the real truth in the consumer risk business in finances I seek the flow, cash flow as the truth. It is a combination of having ablitity to pay and willingness to pay. It seems like once there is ability the willingness is 100%. That is proven to be wrong and it is usual, that rich people pay its debts latest and always look for the way to avoid paying them.

Also no ability to pay doesnt mean no willingness or even no payment at all. I consider, that every living person does generate. If it is a small cash flow, small flow of other services and goods. Connect to the flow and the willingness will transfer to ability and than to solution.

Sout Eastern Asia consumer risk management

Consumer risk management
- managing the risk of the consumers is essential for every company focusing to sell the product to final customer. Such companies could be cell phone producers, service prividers, motorcycle producers, banks, electronics producers, education providers, investment companies, insurance companies, furniture industry....

SEA region
Amazing about SEA region is the variability, size, amount of people, growth, connection to real business and trade and overall openess to investment. Also different governments allow to grow by different approach not praising one political party or interest.

Risk of the region-customer
By risk I define the probability of the consumer once service or product sold with payment term to follow that payment term and be able to keep its promise and therefore not push the provider to write off.

Every company able to find proper solution will be able to sell more in the region with the price not being the only concern. And therefore to earn more money and become bigger more easy. As the margin will grow and marketing investment could grow too.