Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sout Eastern Asia consumer risk management

Consumer risk management
- managing the risk of the consumers is essential for every company focusing to sell the product to final customer. Such companies could be cell phone producers, service prividers, motorcycle producers, banks, electronics producers, education providers, investment companies, insurance companies, furniture industry....

SEA region
Amazing about SEA region is the variability, size, amount of people, growth, connection to real business and trade and overall openess to investment. Also different governments allow to grow by different approach not praising one political party or interest.

Risk of the region-customer
By risk I define the probability of the consumer once service or product sold with payment term to follow that payment term and be able to keep its promise and therefore not push the provider to write off.

Every company able to find proper solution will be able to sell more in the region with the price not being the only concern. And therefore to earn more money and become bigger more easy. As the margin will grow and marketing investment could grow too.

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