Monday, April 18, 2016

Different consumer risk approach - maturity of the payment

Once we focus on the maturity of the payment it is crucial to see, if it was not overdue, how long overdue it is, what is the amount, was the first payment paid down, what is the product of the payment, who is the client, how big was the loan, that is paid.... Statistical methods would be able to recognise the important factors. It is also necessary to find out when the factor will become irrelevant or, on the other side relevant to the future. No always there is a linear covariance between debt maturity and probability  that such a debt will be paid. For example having 2 years old payments not being paid could be more probable than 6 months. Reason for being so is, that the financial or economical status of the client could change. Also such a debt is written off, therefore any next payments are a positive income.

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