Friday, April 22, 2016

SINGAPORE - webpage desing

To open a proper webpage is something to considered deeply. Especially for a new companies on a market (not necessary new companies internationally) and specially for financial institutions. Things you shall be avoiding:
1. "Low risk, high return" statements. It sounds more like a miracle and the big guys a self-centered so much, that they would believe if there will be such an opportunity they would have find it. And invested in it. Also in developed economies, places where is a lot of official money, is high return a red flag

2. "Airplanes". All of us dream of own, private, airplane. People that have it dream of not being so busy to have it. And also airplane is associated with an uncontrolled dive, thus loss of principal in investment.
3. "Beautiful woman". This is usually connected to casinos. Places aiming on our basic reflexes. We hope to bring money, not to play quick poker
4. "Language variations". It shows quickly where the shareholders and management is from. Keeping only English may ne even worse. Means somebody is hiding something.
5. "Ultra super new webdesign". As explained before look on a substance, not on a shine. Investors like to sense conservative progress. One step behind the top new. Thus 100 steps behind the most risk.

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