Saturday, April 23, 2016

Singapore - shop experience

To compare the experience in a shop between countries may be a clue to compare between service on a financial products.

They say, the good way to test the service is to purchase anything in the shop and than try to change it. You will sense the difference once you dont bring any additional income to the shop, just a headache. Goods u try to return is usually opened and therefore it needs to repacked. Also you need to be sure, that this time you pick up a proper goods you want to change. And also you may buy something cheaper, just as u changed your mind.

Singapore outcome test 1 shopping mall Jurong east. Change the goods no problem on a cashier. Person sick, she can not have holiday, but still friendly and helpful. Staff on a customer service very helpful and professional. Staff on a goods section apologies, that they dont have the colour you want. And then she helps u with the other colour. If you good is cheaper than before you need to select additional staff to make up the difference.

A believe approach in financial products will be the same. People work more than they should (cashier), smiling and professional (customer service) but strict on the acceptable rules (money back limits).

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