Monday, February 22, 2021

2021-02-23 Aquiring on US market

My philosophy of acquiring or getting better contacts on the market is simmilar to the ones done by actors. You have to create a value, a person people will recognize and follow and trust to be able to get the contacts you seek. It is not young sales people, it is not sexy assistants. You are building a brand, a recognition, you are putting part of you to the company so customers, employees, investors and suppliers can trust.

Of course it is time consuming. Of course it takes a lot of effort and luck. I do not know other way. Just keep walking even it is up the hill. Maybe this is the only way to achieve others did give up. Walking up the hill is much harder, requires more discipline and shows you how hard it had been. Therefore you can recognize people with similar or same behavior and protect yourself from shortcuts that do not work for you.

Sometimes the extra hour, extra flight, extra nice word or extra support can make a difference. And few times you do not see it initially and many times you do not see it at all. 

I deeply believe in lending and giving loan. Empowering people to achieve what they wish to. 

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