Sunday, September 1, 2019

2019-02-19 debt collection spotlight - Asia

ASIA, as continent is observing a dramatic increase of provided financial services. Financial groups as Home Credit (Czech republic, valuation...), Akulaku (China, valuation...), Finstart (Russia, valuation ....) or even groups of young enterpreneurs from Europe raising initially 200,000 to 500,000 EUR come to makerts like China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka and change the paradigma that was true for thousands of years. Billions of people are raising out of poverty and are seeking a resource of capital to purchase.
GRAPH of consumer market
Amount of transactions in Asia
Simple consumer lending products provided online - payday loans - make difference in everyday life. Without this source of financing young generation in Asia doesnt have ability to purchase new cell phone, pay for education or even purchase clothes on internet.
NPL ratio - in this kind of lending is very much influnced also by lost opportunity - as liquidity of this companies is critical factor to earn more money. Charging of interest is stopped 30 days overdue, DPD60 ratios are around 15% and contactability of the debtors stays as issue. Fortunately the new sources of additional points of contacts are growing:
Whatsup, Facebook, Messanger, Contact list, Bank statements, References, Viber, Autobeeper, Employers, all are critical sources.
In Asia community means a lot. Family as community, colelagues as community, friends as community, face on social media.
Collection details change country per country, as to respect a local traditions is critical. Understanding of English is not a problem anymore for management, even team leaders are willing to learn.
Critical is the communication with authorities, as they understand their obligation to protect the consumer. And they enforce on behalf of consumer consumers rights, therefore you will not usually expect legal cases to be held with lawyers of consumers, but dealings with local reserve banks or other supervisory organisations.
Generally the concept of collection as we know from western countries is new to Asia too. Therefore it is not, in this moment, advisable to create joint ventures. It takes a critical amount of time to prove to partners that the new way of collection works, that field part is not the most critical part of the process (but shall be not forgotten).
Generally portfolios you touch can be devided to two parts:
A) unsecured
B) secured
As the enforcability of law in Asia is low it makes lower sense to purchase thousands of loans secured by vehicles, even in some cases properties. Reason being is the limitation of ownership of such properties by foreigner owned companies and the length of whole process. On the other side you may see portoflio sales of bigger property units, as the amount of legal work is very focused.
Unsecured loans, or loans where security is counted as supporting, but not main portfolio evaluation factor are more interesting. Electrity bills, credit cards, phone bills and other are opening an increasing opportunity.
Collection of such portoflios depends on your experience in simmilar portoflios on respective markets. It is a good habit not to implement the high-tech collection methods, as AI or machine learning. Reson being collection is made in rupiah, pesos or juans. It is better to have rupiah, pessos or juan costs and only keep an expected returns to investors.
As the whole journey of opening of collection business is getting more straight forward and portoflios grow it is now a great time to consider Asia.

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