Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Unbankable consumer and his need (Asia)

Following my observation there is a great need to build a middle class in non-Russian Asia. Many of the nations do not share the wealth between their people. It is also much harder, as the nations are not consolidated. Many parts of Indonesia, China or India are not 100% discovered. There are no proper roads build, no train reaches the place, plane connection is hard and inconvenient.

Solution to such issues may be a cell phone, where a simple device connected over applications as FireChat (building the network between people without having internet) will allow people to communicate and start to grow economy by posting advertising, short messages, updates, send or receive money...

Flow of the money is important. It settles every second the relationship between two parties making them able to save, invest, borrow or transact.

Connected together with consumer finance on a super small scale will allow to open a new business, as competition, bring new products. In the end to make the island economics interconnected and growing.

Other non-bankable clients are the ones too far to reach for a bank. Opening a branch is not really cheap. Adding educated bankers, selection process, head of branch, system. This all costs money. Also there is a chance, that your own branch will be causing additional NPL to you, as bank, due to mismanagement risk. And for every cost u incure u need at least 20 deposit or loan, as 5% income may be reasonable. Therefore a branch with at least 3 people will need to a strong base. Usually a big business around, strong cash flow, deposits.... And this is so hard to achieve in underdeveloped areas.

All comes to handling with cash costs. Make whole process less people dependant and more automatical, leave cash as a last resource collected by 3rd parties as a cell phone operators, booth stands.... will than offset the expensive part of bank.

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