Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Consumer financing / online collection / banking

Banking itself is a base stone for any economy due to the constant flow of value between various subjects. Therefore it settles down all receivables and payables with customers and suppliers respecting the value of money they received. It is crucially important to keep this function in the system and grow it. Therefore banks, as a trusted institutions, bring stability and growth to the system. Different systems of banking, providing of payment solutions and settlement can be observed over the world. It gives additional stress to people coming outside the system, as European and Asian payment habits are different (German to Singaporean for example use of checks).

Therefore any off banking systems need to keep this function. Being able to accept deposits and keep them safe is crucial. People can trust the institution and institution itself has to be stable within state, as state relies on it. After this is achieved we will look inside the function of giving loans and protecting the value of the assets from the position of the institution.

Therefore settle down payments. Focus on this and open yourself to new ways of financing. Usually every loan can be split between different parts and the less risky ones shall be covered by the deposits of the clients. 

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