Wednesday, March 6, 2013

BANKS RATING (Altmans's Z-score)

Whole rating is made of 5 explanatory variable. If a company can follow these five it is probable it may increase it chance to get credit in bank, as the rating would improve. 

X1 = ( Current assets - Current liabilities ) / total assets
X2 = Retained earnings / Total assets
X3 = EBIT / Total assets
X4 = Market value of equity / Book value of liability
X5 = Sales / Total assets

than Z-score for listed manufacturing companies = 1.2 * X1 + 1.4 * X2 + 3.3 * X3 + 0.6 * X4 + 0.999 X5

Z> 2,99 ...... good  (AA-BBB)                                                              Z < 1,81 ..... bad  (CCC-C)
  • AAA (2004 - 2005 = 5.31; 1996 - 2001 = 5.60; 1992 - 1995 = 4.80)
  • AA (4.99; 4.73; 4.15)
  • A (4.22; 3.74; 3.87)
  • BBB (3.37; 2.81; 2.75)
  • BB (2.27; 2.38; 2.25)
  • B (1.79; 1.80; 1.87)
  • CCC (0.45; 0.33; 0.40)
  • D (-0.19; -0.20; 0.05)
than Z-score for private manufacturing companies = 0.717 * X1 + 0.847 * X2 + 3.107 * X3 + 0.42 * X4 + 0.998 * X5 ...... where X4 = Book value of equity / Book value of liability

Z>2.9 ..... good (AA-BBB)                                                                   Z<1.23 .... bad (CCC-C)

than Z-score for private non-manufacturing companies = 6.56 * X1 + 3.26 * X2 + 6,72 * X3 + 1.05 * X4 ...... where X4 = Book value of equities / Book value of liabilities

Z>2.6 ..... good (AA-BBB)                                                                   Z<1.1 .... bad (CCC-C)

Altman's model for SME's (TO < 5 MM EUR)
X1 = EBIDTA / Total Sales
X2 = Short-term debt / Book value of equity
X3 = Retained earnings / Total assets
X4 = Cash / Total assets
X5 = EBITDA / Interest expenses

Z = -4.09 ln ( 1-X1 ) - 1.13 ln ( X2 ) - 4.32 ln ( 1-X3 ) + ln (X4) + 4.09 ln ( X5 )
PD = 1/(1+e^(Z+53.48))

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