Saturday, May 25, 2024

2024-05-25 Key, key, key on profitability in developed market

If you are considering to make it on a developed market bring forward following:
a) am I good in analyzing what makes me money?
b) am I able to decrease the amount of workforce used in my processes and where is the limit?
c) what is my competition currently charging for the service and how can I charge more
d) will my potential customers trust me be able to give me more business
e) am I able to fail and learn?
f) how many employees I need and for how much time a week?
g) can I setup a good compliance structure and setup so it does not hurt me later?
i) am I able to meet with customers and able to fly?
j) how much money I have to invest for marketing and self development
k) does family support me

It is possible to succeed. It needs to utilize the resources better than current competition and produce outcome less risky and with higher value added. It takes the village, but that village is nice and full of satisfaction.

God bless us all

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