Wednesday, August 4, 2021

2021-08-04 Main values in credit unions

Opening and having a credit union in US needs a type of finesse. In terms of performance of portoflios it is good to observe:
a) is my portoflio too big for regular to start to give me an extra care?
b) do my members accept our collection and good profiled or we push too much?
c) does the third party underwriter bring any value added and I shall pay him a commission for his work or most of the loans are non-performing?
d) can I cross sell products to my members?
e) who is my current member and what kind of members I wish to attract?
f) how does my quarterly reporting going to look like before I end the quarter?
g) did I create too many or too few provisions?
h) do I handle special circumstances correctly in collection and is there a way to access borrower holistically?
i) do I see reporting from bank accounts and work with it


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