Sunday, February 21, 2021

2021-02-21 Ability of the borrower to repay the debt (USA)

An American borrower, physical person has an ability to repay his/her debt defined as:

A = sum of savings + monthly income from employment + monthly passive income + value of movable assets (cars and such) + value of non-movable assets (properties and such) - obligations 

Not all of the assets can be turned to liquidity instantly and for some of them to turn to liquidity might take longer time (term deposits) or additonal costs (sales commision on the house, legal costs...)

How de calculate the ability?

Sum of savings: can be only estimated depending of usual savings in the simillar group of borrowers, monthly income and so on. I have not found a reliable source here on skip-tracing side

Sum of income - employement: that can be derived from skip-tracing tools both public (LinkedIn...) or licence specific. Some services are going deep and help to understand the challenge of getting good information. It might be also derived from the application provided on loan or of the side of credit card limits.

Sum of income - passive: the source for this skip-tracing is personal and I have not find a good source for this information. It might be derived though in public employees or where employers are providing such an benefit

Value of movable assets (cars, ships...): This information might be skipped. Usually is also important to see how much liabilities are sitting on that asset. That is achievable by skip-tracing.

Value of fixed assets (properties): Is a sum that could be skipped by publicly available sources on the properties owed. Mortgage on such assets are important too.

In some states you have so called common ownerships between married couples. That increases the ability of borrower to repay once in distress.

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