Saturday, November 14, 2020

2020-11-14 Behavior of the underwritten debt in USA

The FinTech market in United states is very broad and many new companies are opening. The source of income for these companies is always the combination of factors getting in to Net Lending Result.

1. Factor - Revenue from each loan from 3rd party - merchant/cross-sale
2. Factor - Pricing and Portoflio structure within DPD 5
3. Factor - preNPL behavior of the loans and how to get borrowers on the track before charge-off
4. Factor - after charge-off sale capacity

And the 3. & 4. are related to:
a) skip-tracing static and dynamic
b) quality of collection - "it takes no skill to win casino" approach
c) judgements and pre-litigation 
d) statue of limitations
e) personal credit scoring pasive and active
f) wage garnishment, bank accout sweeping
g) overall picture on internet
h) special cases of BK and Deseased
i) payment provider and its capacity
j) technology setup

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