Friday, February 14, 2020

2020-02-14 USA market and financial services

Currently I open a company in Arizona to provide a service for financial institutions. Ad it might be a bank, credit union, FinTech lender, online lender, title loan provider, utility or telecommunications company. I have decided to place the company in Arizona. Reason being is the space to breath and grow my ideas and have meetings. People take pride of being from there and they feel happy to help an Arizonian business. And this is working as of now.

All customers, recent or potential will play a brain game with you. They need to find out how clever and how in control you are. It is critical for them, as there are many people coming to US market, but that creme de la creme is what makes them excited. I sense that. Theu want clever people and make sure that the business is little special. 

I love they way they test me. Sometimes they put a question that make no sense, sometimes they stay on a statment that is not true just to push you if you can protect yourself. I know I can and I know how good I am. I also know the team is critical. Having employees and making them special is what I care. They need to feel we can walk more, we can know more and that steps could be done. Education is the key. Not for the reason of me controlling people, but as a way to make people more confident. It is a powerful game in US. U have to be well educated and self confident. And then ask the hard question, as they will respect you for it.

On one side it is like putting China, India, Indonesia and Russia togethet. China for the way they love tought. For India, you shall not loose your temper even u know people are deliberately challenging u and wasting your time, for Indonesia as you shall not betray them - as the kick back would be strong. And as Russia - as Americans feel supperior to all others. It is that amazing feeling of being nice and focused, working that extra time and giving there little more care.

US here I come!

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