Sunday, June 16, 2019

2019-06-17 importance of audit & misunderstanding

It might be argued, especially in a small and medium size companies, that audit is a necessary evil, something that slows down operations, costs money and have little, if any value added.
It is very well far away from what audit means and that it is not a final step, but actually a tool to something more important. Tool to sit down and work with the outcome be fore it is being finalized and understand the meaning of it, signals it sends and interested parties in company to set their position. Finalized audit provides basic financial numbers together with additional information carved in the stone.
Every company shall look on the financial numbers and a set of information it provides to its stakeholders, investors, employees, CEO, management, shareholders, government, banks and suppliers.
We shall, therefore focus at least on following:
a) own capital of the company
b) equity of the company
e) turnover
f) profit
g) value added
h) AR to turover
i) AP to turnover
j) if the audit is qualified or unqualified and why
k) changes in the company management
and others.

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