Thursday, March 14, 2019

CEO & Director

In companies that are becoming bigger, entering from stage of group to holding or even from one company to group of companies is a good point to distinguish between a position of director and position of CEO. I am following SG and US model.
- the head of company acting independently within limitations of Articles of incorporation
- his basic responsibility is to follow the wish of shareholders, that are resprensented by directors
- an employee with varios schemes of renumeration
- with his own team of financial manager, operations manager, HR, PR...
- with an interest the increase perks for him and his team
- preparing with his team yearly financial statements
- influencing cash flow, growing company
- others....
- legally responsible for the company infornt governemnt (taxes...), suppliers, employees...
- appointing CEO and his team
- adjusting internal rules for CEO and his team
- representing wish of shareholders to maximase their returns
- closing down the company or opening new businesses
- reviewing yearly financial statements
- others...
It is critical to differentiate between this two positions as it is sometimes mixed. Director, as he is legally responsive for the company infornt of govnerment has to access his rights and act in the company's best interest. He is a last resource of the risk, as after him there is nobody.

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