Saturday, October 14, 2017

PHILIPPINES - company opening

Opening of the company in the Philippines is rather straight forward, general rules are:

A) if you wish foreign owned company u will need 200.000 USD equity (with exeption of technology development company 100.000 USD and financial enterprise - that varies by regulation)

B) Articles of incorporation are usually pretty straight forward. Issue is the enforcement of such articles, as it is by Philippino courts and it can take years. Therefore it is adviced ti be enforced by arbitrage.

C) You will need 5 shareholders in the company, majority residing in Philippines/being Philippino

D) You will need 5 directors in a company with majority residing in Philippines / being Philippino

E) You need to read By-laws due to setup of voting and AGM.

F) The process of the establishment can take even 6 weeks and longer

G) you need to select Secretary of the company and Treasurer of the company, independent persons

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