Monday, October 16, 2017

ASIA - last resource before the retail portfolio becomes NPL

Retail portfolios are made of loans given to physical people with maturity of few hours (Burma, Thailand - loans to sell vegetables on a market), few days (payday loans), few weeks (loans to next salary), few months (consumer financing, few years (bank loans and credit cards) up to 10s of years (mortgages).

Every loan could be overdue by the payment and it does not need to mean the debtor is unavailable to pay or unwilling to pay back.

The most risky part of the loan is the first months, as collateral value is lower then loan, as the debt is new, as it is not sure if the debtor did not cheat the issuer and as the financial institution did not earn any interest or got at least partially back the installament.

Loans in Asia are growing, as economies settle down and the free resources are available even to middle and low class.

They are also overheating by a non-performing loans, as the economy is changing and the stability is only kept by growth instead of strengthening the system.

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