Sunday, July 9, 2017

Over 120.000

Recently I came over an interesting fact. There are more than 120.000 USD millionaires in Malaysia. This number sounds really high, as in the country with population as Malaysia has it might be 0,2% of people. I sense this makes Malaysia a country of opportunities especially if you consider its ability to speak english, openness to foreigners and good education

Transferring value from and in to China

China is a complex country. This is crucial to see. Let me point out few challanges:

1) Not every province is under 100% control (XinJiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Inner Mongolia)

2) Many governments act independently - what surprised naked eye

3) Currency is internationally traded & credit cards in CNY are issued

4) There are counties with special relationship with China (Taiwan, Singapore, Myanmar, North Korea, Macao, Vietnam)

5) There are countries China seeks influence (Africa)

6) Moving value in and out could be avoided with ability of using somebody elses fund while in China and than returning it back

7) China has free trade zones

8) There are many legal tenders not appearing to have value on first sight

Doing business (HK)

Hong Kong is trying many tricks & is getting different to China. As it slows down and as it is harder & harder for the business to earn money it is logical that some local companies charge for service they have not done, but promised they will do. This pressure can be seen on a side of lawyers, on a side of business advisors and on a side of accountants. Therefore it is advisable to make meeting minutes, control what you had been charged for and also make clear what is the point of cooperation every time you sit & discuss. Do not look for big wins, do not look for black & white solutions and do not look for being great or better than local business are. Just ask for what you deserve. And keep asking for it.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

NPL China (july 1017)

NPL deals in China are challening. Returns seems to be low, inflow to China challenging and outflow even harder. Offshore business interested to jump in are dealing with a scare factor together with challenges in communication.

Let me see it other way:
A) what all ways u can activate your profit in China in NPL?
B) being able to buy now will allow u to buy in future
C) how many times you can wash the loans?
D) how much does your foreign employee know about China?
E) who will collect for u?
F) why u want to jump out so quickly?

Doing deals in China is more of challenge. More of being there before it happens. Once it happens it is very fast & usually between local people. Unless u were first....