Friday, March 24, 2017

Legal system in Hong Kong

Having a right to claim or being accused by others to proceed to court may be much better choice in Hong Kong or Singapore, than in other Asian countries. Main reason for that is the fact, that all proc eedings will be in English. This is a corner stone, as we might ask questions, prepare ourselves, think & be sure everybody understands.

Not being able to speak English makes the whole approach much more complicated and therefore I would suggest to try to avoid touching Asia internationally.

Second advantage would be a straight forward system, where all civil proceedings over 1 MM HKD (100k EUR) will be hold on one court - WanChai court. This makes thing even easier.

Third advantage & disadvantage would be costs. Some lawyers will ask you 300.000 HKD for support, what I consider as a huge amount of money. Local lawyers, especially ones being fluent in English and sitting in Central are expensive & will push you to fights, courts and proceedings.

The best way to start, before u pick up your lawyer would be to talk to local law association. They will be helpful by teaching you simple regulations on pricing & time & way of talking to lawyers. This is useful not only in the begging, when you will need to understand a normal HK processes, but also in time, as you might feel your lawyer is not 100% effective and even in the end, when the court finish and you are left with the outcome. In case it is a good one, you can still make sure the costs for the lawyers are reasonable, if it is a bad or so so court ruling how can you appeal & if you had been represented properly.

For more information please contact me :)

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