Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Payment systems by Samsung / Apple / Dash

I observe in recent year the growth of the payment systems, called SamsungPay, Dash... I it amazing how the role of the small payments change from having cash in your pocket, to use Visa or Mastercard over Visa Wave up to this new systems. There is a change in using of the currencies too. Where Mastercard, Visa ... did use the home currency of the card issuer (or other internationally traded currencies) the new systems does not always keen on being so. It is also due the fact, that Eurocard is backed by German banks, as Mastercard is used in European banks and Visa by Amrican banks (originally). And than the settling currency was EUR or USD. The new payment systems allow to use ecurrencies, their own Bitcoins, Coins or whatever they call them. This approach is a dramatical change especially to governments and central banks. One day our employees will ask the salary in Bitcoins instead of Indonesia rupiah. It might be far fetched, but not impossible. Once people will see the universal value in other than local currency, once they will trust new ecurrencies more because they have better ability to pay for food, be liquid or keep value (in this order) will than the state or central bank of that country fail? we can see the same happening in Zimbabwe or Serbia, where American dollar or Euro takes the position of value keeper. We are witnesses of the evolution on the market happening infront of our eyes. I look forward to the moment of new IPO for a small company to happen in ecurrency. It will be purely challenging.

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