Tuesday, December 20, 2016

India - December 2016

Recent development in India is bringing one question forward: "Is Mr. Modi a literate leader with little business experience?". I am afraid to know the answer. Meetings of different leaders he posts on social media is really nice and great. Almost every week one religion leader or another speech. What I am missing is the support to businesses to export. "Make in India", what does it mean? Does it mean that meeting more and more politicians will make country successful? Or demonitazing of economy will make Indian's business stronger to export? Or foreigners to invest? How many times we see Mr. Modi to meet with small and medium enterprises? Have Mr. Modi been in banks in India? Did he ask for a small loan, go to branch of the bank?

I am afraid we might see an action from a book of science fiction. We see the fight with black money by contacts of rich people to keep their wealth. Instead of making people safe to invest and grow the trust of Indians u punish them. Make all less stable and less predictable. Following my own experience this is now how u grow for the people.

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