Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Singapore - CFO position

Being in Singapore may be more about holding risks of different countries than really caring 100% about Singapore only. It is a safe haven where u can close the door, have a nice food and focus on what u feel is good to decrease risks.

Talking of China to make anything possible to use proper mandarin words and talk to people that have done something similar there. Protect your position and mainly no to throw money inside. Just keep the money home and family safe :)

Talking of India get a great contact and nurture them. There are nice people there, very clever and quick. It is not so easy to find and it is worth to talk to them. India is a continent itself. And therefore it is full of different countries and success stories.

Indonesia is a great one. So many layers of doing what you need. Such a need not to be seen if you can not afford to be seen. Close to Singapore and far away. Being international company & understanding to what extend it is worth it.

I it is a privilege & challenge. Not to be 100% correct. Just to be 1% better than last visit :)

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