Friday, March 18, 2016

Singapore - financial market challenges and opportunities for MMEs

Identification of international MME by my own understanding:
(you may consider for easy calculation, that 1 SGD is around 1 USD, in reality it is 0,73 USD = 1 SGD)

international MME is medium sized company with:

1. value added in amount of 50% of 20 MM USD (reason for that is that it is not a pure sell by order company with margin and small value added)

2. with amount of 100+ employees (reason for that is, that a company is not centrally controlled by owner or one CEO, even the company is able to develop independent directorship with reporting to such a CEO, a level of analysis and independence is required) 

3. having companies or strong interests in non-neighboring countries (as there is increasing value of challenge and advantages and international thinking involved 

4. working with external financing 2 times + over most important shareholder equity.

Singapore limitation:

a) company being present on Asian market (India, China, Russia, Indonesia.....)
b) company being able to communicate in English
c) advantage -> company being present on a different continent, than Asia, or hardhearted on different continent.
d) final profit of 5%+ from the turnover (after all accounted costs are incurred without non "business" costs)

Singapore structural costs:
a) one person = 8.000 * 12 = 96.000 SGD
b) real office on a advisable address = 2000 SGD * 12 = 24.000 SGD
c) other costs = 1.000 * 12 = 12.000 SGD
d) flights cots = 1 person 3 times a year, 1 person 1 time a year  = 2.800 SGD
e) company opening costs + secretary = 2.400 SGD on shot (with one year free secretary service)

Being in Singapore advantages:
a) on-shore and off-shore solutions
b) bank accounts and reliable solution
c) cash management
d) tax advantages - on an assets (0%), on a business by profit 1.500.000 SGD -> tax 6%
e) stability
f) no "crazy economy" issue
g) private banking solutions even for non locals, from 200.000 SGD +
i) Brunei advantage
j) local banks = SEA Banks
k) non one economy focus = like HK is too much crazy about China, SG is China, India, SEA and America
l) language = no problem with English -> even Chinese speak here English!
m) what is written is given! -> low law problems ....
n) open visa policy
o) .... for more write me an email :)

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