Saturday, October 11, 2014

EUSINO advisory

On Friday I did visit the BIC in Pilsen with very negative outcome - for funding on investment. Unfortunately they have no experience with China - EU relationship and many of my questions very answered negative. I am very sure, this is a main problem, that really hard working people in our county have a suffering way to succeed.

But I will use, for sure European enterprise network. This is very useful. You can contact Miroslava Skrziszowská [] for further info, if you need help. She is smiling and willing to help.

But all bad is good for something. I did find a great webpage ...., that is offering just, what everybody, who wants to invest in China wants. I did register my company for various reasons. They help with export from Europe to China (Milk, Wine .... name it), they help with investment in China. Only problem I see now, they are in Beijing. Beijing a good place for political decisions. Not good for business. We separate China in Beijing - politics, Shanghai - finance, Hanzghou - Internet and It, Shenzhen - It, Hong Kong - international law, ... But we never expect Beijing to be a capital for finance and investment.

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