Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Beneish's M-score for earnings manipulation

To detect the probability of manipulation with you P&L and Balance sheet in company.
Banks and investors can use this statistical model to prepare them for higher risks in investment.

TATA = ( Net income - Cash flow from operations ) / Total assets
DSRI = Receivables / Sales
SGI = Sales
AQI = (Fixed assets in current year - Property, plant and equipment) / Total assets
LVGI = Total Liabilities / Total Assets
SGAI = Selling, general and administrative expenses / Income
GMI = Gross profit / Sales
DEPI = Depreciation / (Depreciation + property, plant and equipment)

M = 4,84 - 4,679 x TATA current year - 0,92 x DSRI current year / DSRI previous year - 0,892 x SQI current year / SGI previous year - 0,404 x AQI current year / AQI previous year + 0,327 x LVGI current year/LVGI previous year + 0,172 x SGAI current year / SGAI previous year - 0,528 x GMI previous year / GMI current year - 0,115 x DEPI previous year / DEPI current year

M>2,22 ... lower manipulation
M betweeen 1,78 to 2,22 .... moderate manipulation
M lower than 1,78 ... higher manipulation

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