Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Opening of the company in China - Shanghai

Currently, by a pressure of production prices in China we may see growing demand to open a company in Shanghai, or in a cheaper location. Please consider also growing internal consuption of tha Chinese household and growing spending opportunities companies may find in China.

i have an aim to open a company n China within4 monts and I look forward to this.

i need to consider:
1. warehouse
2. employees and their rights
3. location
4. export import licence
5. RMB, exchange and cash flow issues
6. forecast
7. customers and suppliers steucture
8. rent/purchase
9. base capital requirement and approvals
10. free trade zones
11 .time difference management
12. cultural and accounting differences
13. taxing issues
14. subsidies
15. max.costs spend
16. cash plan
17. timing
18. visits
19. quality control
20. transfer companies and service

and others.

I look forward to desribe this in this blog. And achieve this goal.

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