Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Exchange rates (credit cards)

Once paying in the foreign country by your credit/debit card please be aware of the fees you may may to your bank. It might increase the final bill up to 5%!. There are even a banks charging you for payment extra fee, like 20 HKD.

For MasterCard association exchange rates please follow MASTERCARD WEBPAGE.
For VISA association exchange rates please follow VISA WEBPAGE.
For UNION Pay please follow UNION PAY WEBPAGE

Previous links are useful to find out real costs of each bank for certain payment. It may be analysed how much does it cost for Czech republic not to have EUR as own currency, as for the payments outside EU zone have the payment to be exchanged twice, from CZK to EUR and from EUR to another currency.

Once you deal with currency like TWD you may suffer even more, as currency is not traded properly on a market. Once dealing with currency in Venezuela or Uzbekistan you suffer by different official and unofficial rate. This may differ even by 100%!!

Usual exchange rate buffer it also not calculated in the way we may consider as expectable. The margin over the middle by purchase of currency and under the rate by sale of currency is usually not the same. F.e. if we observe in bank exchange rate 25,3 for bid and 25,5 for offer it is not true, that middle rate set up by central bank is 25,4.

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