Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Finance in financial entity (ASIA)

Management of financial institution in Asia is challening, as we talk about 3,5 billion people (China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore). Many of this places are underbanked, therefore this people touch credits first time in life. Having an option to pay for clothes, cell phone or cheap smartphone without having money is tempting. Consumers are learning how to repay their debts, governmnets are understanding how to deal with overdue debtors. Blacklistening them for whole life might sound like a good idea, but is it? Many studies have proven, than credit card unpaid 5 years ago have no significant influence on the current repayment of the credit card. Banks are learning how to recognise fraud - big fraud on side of branches or smaller one from the side of debtors. How to deal with penalties, interest rates, NPLs and its activation after they are written off. We talk about 3,5 billion people. Biggest market we can see in word. Hungry of consumers to buy. With fintech technology we have accesible. Imagine!