Sunday, November 26, 2017

Singapore - types of work permits

Being in Singapore for long term requires to have a proper work permit. The work permits are linked to your employer up to the moment you receive PEP - personalised employment pass. The big differences to common EP (employment pass) are:
a) PEP is usually for 3 years, EP for 2 years
b) PEP allows you to work for few companies in the same time. EP not. Idea behind it is the option for the hodling companies to employ specialists within the similar scope of work within groups or companies.
c) PEP is not linked to your employer or yo your position. Therefore you will no expose your work position or name of the company you work for
d) PEP, once upgraded from EP keeps its number, therefore one problem less
e) PEP is also allowing you to be unemployed for the period up to 6 months. EP does not and you have leave Singapore within 1 month since your relationship with current employer is terminated.

Next level to PEP is PR (permanent residentship). There are also investors visa available once invested over 3 MM SGD.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Undiscovered truth

Entering Thailand is the same as described by many: full of extra prices, unseen surprises, respect to details foreigner doesnt see and what is surprise for me, thinking that Thailand is big enough to stay for whole life and no need to meet foreigners.

It is somehow locked country within, locked by religion and rules, prepared to tell you anything as long as it will satisfy. People are used to suffer and the price is to move forward every day from one day to another.