Saturday, September 27, 2014

Entering China market

We did decide to enter China market. (Czech-German company entering China (Hangzhou))

First we want to protect our brand. That is very important as we are aware of many miss usage of brands in China. We also keep up our memory, that protection, even international, made in our country has no right to be put in force in China.

We did decide for:
To protect the logo of our company in black and white and in color they asked us around 12.000 RMB (for 2 logos). Later we will protect different services and good's types. Around 13 of them for 2 brands will be 54.000 RMB.

Also we find out, there is a China-EU cooperation organisation.
What is interesting, they have branches in China and in Europe. In EU they are represented by:
we hope to meet their representatives as we would like to spread our network over world, in China and use support of EU. The list of contact offices is on BRANCHES. They shall provide knowledge sharing and funding for such projects. Therefore we did plan a meeting with 
on October 7th 2014. We want to get deeper, attract some investment to our idea for China market and talk to other enterprises from China to make a partnership.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Price of IPO of ALIBABA is currently 87,75 USD (24.9.2014). After IPO, when a planned price was growing from 63 to 68 and an investor could buy it, in the end for the price of 99,04 USD. I am almost sure, that no one trying to jump in on Friday could get price much better than 99. And the fall to 92 is confirming, that all banks were jumping in to fix their profits. Therefore this investment in comparison to other IPO's I did make research did not allow small investors to earn a lot. And this is a bad news for many of them.

Friday, September 19, 2014


Watch live on ....

and you will see how to make money in China